Comfort Room

Vi entered the chapel room, hoping to find her friend Bea. She saw her friend amidst a group of people. She was wearing a black dress, and she was laughing loudly. They locked eyes, and she thought she saw a small tear roll down her friend’s cheeks and past her wide smile.

She watched as the girl in the black dress immediately excused herself and walked towards her with arms raised.

“Vi! I didn’t think you could make it!” Her voice was bright, but there was a hint of forced cheer in it. “I’m so glad you’re here!” She gave her a tight hug.

Vi quickly pulled away and took a good look at her friend. “My condolences about your mom. Also, CR. Now.” Ignoring Bea’s protests, she held her friend’s hand and gently led her to the nearby comfort room and locked the door behind them.

She turned to Bea, who was looking at her in confusion. “It’s okay, you can stop that now,” she said, while rummaging in her purse. She took out her handkerchief and handed it to the other, who looked at her dazedly. “Cry. It’s all right. Cry.”

Bea looked up, and her eyes immediately filled with tears. She leaned back on the wall, sobbing loudly as she slowly moved to the ground, and Vi sat next to her, patiently stroking her hair.

And they sat there for a while as she sobbed in her sadness.

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First written April 19, 2018.


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