Breakup Practice

Kay cleared her throat and turned to face the dark-haired woman in front of her. “I am breaking up with you,” she whispered, tears falling from her eyes.

The woman across her shook her head. “LOUDER!” Her voice echoed in the near empty bar they did not frequent, and Kay leaned back, blushing furiously. “MORE FEELING!”

“Di, it’s embarrassing. Stop that,” she whimpered, wiping her tears away. “Please, stop.”

Di looked at her with eyes blazing. “No, YOU stop. You stop giving this loser-cheater time of day. You deserve better than that scumbag!” The brunette mumbled swear words as she took out a handkerchief and handed it to Kay. “You deserve so much better. Now repeat after me: I. Am. Breaking. Up. With. You.”

She wiped her face with the handkerchief and took a deep breath. “Okay, okay.” She fingered at her ring and spoke up, a little louder this time. “Dindo, I am breaking up with you.”

Di beamed at her. “Good! Not quite there, but almost. Come on, Kay. You need to really mean. Break up with this motherfucker who broke your heart. Fuck that cheating, lying douche! Break up with him!”

Her thoughts moved to the memories of seeing him with another woman, different women. She clenched her fists. “Enough is enough, Dindo. I am breaking up with you. I am breaking up with you! I am-“

Kay stopped at seeing her friend blanch at something behind her shoulder, but suddenly smile at her widely. She slowly turned to see Dindo, whose arm was around another woman’s waist.

It took a second for everything to register, and they all stared at each other open-mouthed for a while.

“Kay, I-“

Kay stood up, cleared her throat, and turned to the man with blazing eyes. “Dindo, I am breaking up with you. Goodbye.”

She grabbed her purse and signaled for Di to leave. They marched together to the exit, never looking back.

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First written April 12, 2018.


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