My Favorite Spot In The World

I sat down on the bench and surveyed the park before me.

There were kids playing by the pond, families picnicking in the grass, couples holding hands as they passed me.

It was a lovely morning, a morning that would remind me of my lonesomeness, of waking up daily to my lonely bed, my lonely house, my lonely life. It had been 3 years since the incident, and ever since then, people seemed to avoid me completely.

I guess that’s why I came here every day, to look for something to complete the emptiness of my life.

I leaned back and noticed a woman sit beside me. She was wearing a homely yellow sundress that suited her figure. God, she was beautiful. Just the type I could fall in love with for the rest of my life.

She seemed to have noticed my glances and smiled my way. I nonchalantly looked away, feeling my cheeks burn in quiet embarrassment.

“This is my favorite spot in the world,” I heard her say softly. “I come here every day and it’s always the same. Happiness beams down on everyone here and love lurks in all corners.”

The words sounded familiar to me. I think it was from one of my favorite books. I turned to see her sit closer to me, though her eyes were on the children laughing at a distance.

Her words came even softer this time. “It’s from one of my favorite books. I come here daily to read it on this bench. It fills my being with hope, with promise, with love.” She then opened her bag and produced a small book that was bound together by a few strings. “Here. Read this.”

She handed it to me. Unsure, I took it from her and began to read.

Dear Vanessa,

I am writing this from my favorite spot in the world. I come here every day and it’s always the same. Happiness beams down on everyone here and love lurks in all corners.

I looked at her and she merely smiled, silently beckoning me to go on.

This is also the place I first met you, a beautiful, blithe fairy that came into my life wearing a yellow sundress that suited your figure. God, I see you right now and I still think you’re beautiful.

I would like to apologize to you in advance, because by the time you read this, the disease may have already taken hold of me. I may have already forgotten my past, forgotten my memories, forgotten… you.

But remember this. You will always be the one my eyes look for, the one my soul yearns for, the one my heart beats for.

I’m sorry you married a stupid mortal like me. But know that a part of me will always look for only you and love only you.

I love you, Vanessa. Know that I will still come to this bench every day and hope of finding you, the one dream that will complete the emptiness of my life.

I love you.

Tears were falling from my eyes as memories flooded their way back to me. Of me, of Vanessa, of our life together, of our love.

Vanessa smiled and wrapped her arms around me, kissing me softly. I cried and whispered “I’m sorry” over and over again, but she only shook her head.

She took out a handkerchief and wiped away our tears. Smiling, she got up and took my hand.

“Come on, love. Let’s go home.”

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First written July 30, 2017.

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