30-Minute Wait

She glanced up at the clock and drummed her fingers on the table. 34 minutes had passed. Did something happen?

Tap, tap, tap went her fingers.

She looked up again. 35 minutes.

Something bad definitely happened. She was sure of it. A line of worry appeared on her forehead and the taps grew hurried, impatient.

Tap, tap, tap.

One minute more, and she’ll make the call. Something was obviously up.

36 minutes.

She was about to reach for the phone when she heard the loud rumble of a motorcycle just out her front door. Her heart beat faster and she beamed widely. He was here, just as promised.

She smoothed her hair as she made her way to the entrance. Excited, she opened the door.

“Double deluxe pizza, no anchovies and extra bell pepper. Here you go, ma’am.”

She nodded and smiled while taking the box from the delivery guy. Just in time.

Image source: deviantart.com/reydoo/art/Smoke-Break-113288678
First written December 23, 2017.


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