The Woman at the Port
He watched as she took a drag of her cigarette while she stared out the window. With a deep breath, he stepped towards her.
“Hey,” he said. Her eyes darted towards him in surprise, but her lips quickly spread into a smile. With a wave, she beckoned him to her table.
She leaned towards him as he sat down, and he was immediately hit by the scent of the cologne she always wore. She gently laid her hand on his.
“I didn’t know you were in town again,” she began. “You should have told me.”
“I just came today, and figured I could use a drink.” He glanced towards her companions that evening, a single mug of coffee and a full ashtray. “Would you want one too?”
A sad smile played on her lips. “No, thank you.”
He took her hand in both of his, but she pulled away at the touch of metal on his ring finger. He felt a pang in his heart, and looked up to see tears forming at the edges of her eyes.
“We can’t do this anymore,” she said softly. “I don’t like crying while I drink.”
He slowly pursed his lips, got up, and walked away.
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First written December 22, 2017.