The Task

She looked at the burden she was tasked to carry, and felt goosebumps dance across her arms. There was no way she could do it.

She looked around, perhaps hoping someone would help her out. However, she knew very well that this task was especially assigned to her, and to her alone.

Before she went to fetch it, her father took her aside. He had already told her what she needed to do yesterday while they were strategizing for today. He ruffled her hair and gave her a big hug. “I know you can do this. I believe in you. Be careful, okay?”

She grinned and nodded at him with confidence. He smiled back, and gently pushed her towards the hallway. “We’ll be waiting for you.”

She reached her destination without mishap, and found the cake easily enough, like it had been waiting just for her to pick it up. She stared at its magnificence and marveled at its colors. It was a thing of beauty that mesmerized her with its hues of pink, red and green.

She felt a wave of nervousness wash over her. What if she dropped it? She shuddered at the thought. This was the only one available, and it was precisely the one thing needed to complete the day’s preparations. It was a big responsibility, and she was suddenly afraid of not being able to fulfill it.

Just then, she remembered her mother. Her mother’s sweet smile, her mother’s wise words. “I believe in you, love,” rang her mother’s voice in her ears, in the way she said it while brushing her hair a few months ago. “You are capable of so much. Just trust in yourself.”

She took a deep breath and carefully took it out of the box. It seemed so much bigger and heavier than she thought, but she was determined to see this through.

Holding her prize with both hands, she slowly made her way back. Her father saw her coming and hurried towards her. He had on the biggest smile and whispered, “Great job. I knew you could do it.”

With a swift movement, he reached for his lighter and lit the candles on the cake. He then turned off the lights in the dining room and motioned for the seven-year-old to go in. She went inside and sang in a loud voice. “Happy birthday, Mommy!”

Her mother, who was seated at the head of the table, gasped in surprise when she saw her daughter, then smiled. Her little heart leapt with joy. All that effort was worth it, especially for the woman who told her trust herself. “I love you, Mommy!” she cried. “I love you!”

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First written October 29, 2017.

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