The Locked Box

Her bridesmaids laughed as they exited her room. “We’ll see you later!” As the door closed, she could hear them giggling over the cute groomsmen they were partnered with.

And with that, she was alone, at least for a few minutes more. She sunk into her seat and stared at the ring on her finger. Today’s the day. There was no turning back.

She got up and moved to her suitcase. Hesitantly, she pulled out a little box she slipped hurriedly into her luggage the night before. Its once bright colors were faded, but the bright red of the rose pattern on its lid still shone through. She held the little box close to her heart and sighed.

Just then, her best friend came in, carrying a bouquet. “Are you read-” Her friend stopped short when she saw the box in her arms. She smiled softly and wrapped her arms around the bride.

“I just… it’s just…” The girl faltered, as her best friend hugged her tight.

Her friend murmured in her ear. “I know, love. But you know it’s time to let go.”

They held hands and looked at each other deeply. Time seemed to slow down as they shared a soft kiss, a familiar yet unfamiliar gesture between the two of them.

A tear fell down their cheeks, and they didn’t question whose it was. Her friend took the box and moved away. “I’ll see you at the church.” She moved to the door, bumping into a well-dressed lady who gave her a big hug before she hurriedly stepped out.

The bride took a deep breath and got up to meet her mother. With a practiced smile, she took up her bouquet, slipped into her white shoes, and placed the veil over her head. She then took her mother’s arm and left the room.

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First written January 5, 2018.


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