The Five-Minute Murders

Prompt: You acquire a time-device which, when activated, allows you to rewind the 5 minutes (following) activation. It can only be used once. You plan how to make best use of this chance.

The minute hand hit 2. I pressed the small red button on the watch’s side and felt a tug on my body.

It grew stronger and stronger until it felt like my flesh was being pried off my bones, with me feeling every little bit of pain. It was excruciating, but it was a small price to pay for this beautiful privilege.

Then, the minute hand struck 1, and the second hand moved again as normal.

As promised, the watch delivered me five minutes prior its activation. It was a short while, true, but those precious few minutes were all I needed.

I looked towards the falling leaves. It was bright outside, with very few clouds in the sky. No one else was in the park, which made it the perfect day for my plan. I eyed the black suitcase on the ground, a reassurance of what was to happen in the next few minutes.

It was then that I heard their laughter. I immediately felt flush with anger, but steeled myself to calm down. Not yet. Let them enjoy their last few moments together. I hid behind a tree overlooking the leaf-strewn path and waited.

The couple came into view. They were talking excitedly to one another and their hands were clasped together. Right in front of my tree, they stopped and kissed.

Blood boiling, I screamed as I stepped out of my hiding place. They broke free from each other, and their horrified glances made me feel giddy. The fear in their faces when I pointed the gun at them is something I will treasure again and again.

“Please, no…” My fiancĂ©e whispered, looking at me with tears forming in her eyes. Her companion tried to shield her from me, but I rolled my eyes and shot him in the chest and in the head. She cried out in horror and tried to run, but two more bullets made her fall to the ground.

I looked at my watch. 2 more minutes. Perfect. I spat in their direction, then moved towards the suitcase. I opened it up, grabbed a magazine, and reloaded my weapon. Eyeing the array of watches inside, I removed the one on my wrist and threw it among the others that I discarded earlier. I picked a new one and smirked as I closed the suitcase.

I strapped the device on and saw that I had 30 seconds left. Blood trailed towards my spot on the path, but it would never reach me. I took a deep breath. Thank you, time travel, for helping me relive this moment again and again.

The minute hand hit 2. I grinned as I pressed the small red button on the watch’s side and felt the familiar tug on my body.

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First written July 9, 2017.

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