Farewell Party

Frida smiled widely as she led her last guest out the door.

“Great party, Frida! Loved it! Loved everyone who came. You sure know some great people!”

She smiled. “Why thank you, Dolly. Just glad you could come.”

“I wouldn’t miss your farewell party! I’ll miss you, after all.” Dolly suddenly turned to her and gave her a big hug. “I really am gonna miss you, you know.”

Frida hugged her back. “I’ll miss you too, Dolly.”

Her friend soon broke the embrace and gestured all around the room, which was a mess. “You sure you don’t need help cleaning up? I could stay for a while longer…”

Frida shook her head firmly and opened the door. “No, no, I’ll be fine. You have to be up early tomorrow, I know.”

“Well… all right then.” Dolly turned to her for a last goodbye hug. “Good night! See you tomorrow!” With a nod, she closed the door behind her, leaving Frida alone in the apartment.

She sighed as she leaned on the door and rubbed her cheeks, which were tired from her constant smiles that evening. She looked at the bottles of beer left here and there, as well as at the pillows that were left all over the floor. She smiled as she remembered how everyone got comfortable while celebrating her last few days there.

And now, she was leaving them all, every single one of them.

An unbidden tear fell from her eyes, and it was quickly followed by another one. She soon started sobbing, but she nearly fell to the ground when the door burst open, and Dolly came in once more.

“Frida, sorry to barge in, but I forgot-” She stopped immediately at seeing her friend’s tears. “Oh Frida…”

She felt warm arms envelope her, and she cried harder.

“There there, friend. I’m still here. I’m still here.”

At hearing that, Frida cried louder and held on to her friend tighter, clinging at the moment and wishing she didn’t have to say farewell.

Image source: deviantart.com/themetaphornextdoor/art/Aftermath-5-484124798
First written April 3, 2018.


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